Welcome to our project page! Here you can dive into the diverse projects we carry out each year. Each project is accompanied by a description of its purpose, approach and impact. In addition, you can read our engaging blog posts for more in-depth stories and personal experiences from our team members on the ground. We hope that you will be inspired by what you read and that it will give you a deeper insight into our passion for change and progress. Enjoy reading!
Enabel Rwanda
The goal of this project is to develop a cost-effective drying machine for Black Soldier Fly larvae to provide a sustainable protein source for pig and poultry feed, improve farmers' income, reduce losses, and enable storage and transport without cooling, with adaptations for those without access to electricity.
Butterfly Space Malawi
The project, in collaboration with Butterfly Space Eco Lodge in Nkhata Bay, Malawi, aims to install two wind turbines at local schools, focusing on local material sourcing, community knowledge exchange, and providing renewable energy for lights and chargers, with the first turbine already confirmed and the second dependent on funding and time availability.
Unikin Congo
The project in the Congo Central province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo aims to develop solar energy and water purification systems for the "EP Kunda Masangu" school, which serves 780 students and 22 staff members, while addressing communication in local languages, potential theft of valuable components, and the specific water purification needs for both drinking and cooking.
Guatemala Cocode
The project aims to enhance water availability for a village by installing solar panels with two pumps, a battery system, and PLC programming, while considering additional filtration and extra energy solutions, supported by Belgian automation engineer Herman Bruyndonckx and local partner Norberto Baten.
VJS Uganda
The project in Masaka aims to establish a reliable water supply and purification system for 142 students and 8 teachers, utilizing local rainfall and solar energy, while ensuring safety measures, facilitating classroom construction, and addressing waste management and climate resilience disaster.