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Become a sponsor

Since Humasol takes on 30% or more of the project budget, the necessary budgets must be provided for this. At the start of each project, an initial budget estimate is drawn up. Sponsoring can be on a specific project or general. How does it work?

1. Mail to to ask which projects need sponsoring and the budget estimate. This happens around September-December.

2. Agree on the budget together and wait until the end of December to have a detailed budget estimate.

3. Transfer the amount for April.

4. After the project, in September, receive an overview of the costs.

A transparent operation

To finance our projects, we are completely dependent on sponsors. We apply for subsidies from Belgian governments such as cities and provinces, but we are also heavily dependent on corporate sponsorship.

We also generate income through our own activities (quiz, wine sales and job fair), supplemented with donations from individuals. We use these proceeds to support the internal operation, including subscriptions for our website, follow-up tools and a portion to sponsor team building events.

Humasol vzw runs entirely on volunteer work, and we strive to keep it that way. All travel expenses for the students are covered by their own resources, VLIR scholarships and proceeds from their own wine sales, not with the resources of the vzw!

We have built up a reserve savings pot that is approximately equal to one year of operational costs. Suppose for whatever reason there is a deficit in our fundraising or a partner can no longer pay their share, then we have a “savings pot” to bridge this period. The vzw is therefore financially healthy!

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