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Make a donation

Every gift, small or large, is more than welcome. We provide a tax certificate for donations of 40 euros or more per year. This will be sent to you automatically, usually in March.


1. Deposit the amount to Humasol vzw

Account number: BE35 7330 5585 3337

Mention: Gift Tax Certificate + Name


2. Email your details for your tax certificate (if gift > 40 euros)



- First name + last name

- National register number*

- Address


*You will receive your tax certificate digitally or by post in February/March of the next calendar year. According to the new law, your national register number and address must be included.

What is a tax certificate?

Humasol vzw is an association recognized by the FPS Finance, which allows us to issue tax certificates. This means that for donations of 40 euros or more you can contribute 45% of the amount given for tax relief. Note that this amount may be spread over multiple payments during a calendar year. However, the total tax reduction may never exceed 10% of your total net annual income with a maximum of 392,200 euros. For further information about tax reductions, please refer to the next page


Are there any ambiguities? Don't be left with your questions and feel free to email us at

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