We are Anaïs, Antonia, Kasper and Loic and this summer we'll be going to Uganda. Uganda currently faces a serious housing deficit of about 2.5 million units, growing each year by 200,000 units. As a result, many people end up living in slum communities in poorly built housing. Next to that, the Ugandan people have to face the consequences of bad waste management.
Our local partner is a very inspiring entrepreneur called Franc Kamugyisha. He experienced the housing deficit first hand and realized that he wanted to tackle these issues. He founded the company Ecoplastile. Already up and running for a few years now, Ecoplastile sells roof tiles made out of recycled plastic in Uganda.
Our project will focus on investigating the roof tile recipe to extend the tile's lifetime. Secondly, in the context of sustainable economics, we'll set up a plastic pellet processing line in preparation for diversification into other plastic products to ensure the viability of the company. Last but not least, Ecoplastile wants to acquire a competitor that makes traditional roof tiles. Our job is to green up their outdated production process.