Solar pump FOS
In the village of Ajuafo in Ghana (also known as Adwafo) live about 3500 people. To meet their daily drinking water needs, they all depend on only one electric and one old manual water pump. Due to the high demand for water and the poor supply, most inhabitants are forced to get their water from very polluted rivers. They have no choice but to either let the children queue for a long time at one of the water pumps or drink water from the polluted river. That is the reason why many children in the remote areas of Ghana cannot go to school.
However, Ajuafo offers a great opportunity to tackle the problem. There is one borehole that is not being used due to a lack of resources to buy a water pump and the relatively high costs for the electricity that the pump would then consume. The aim of this project is therefore to design and install a solar pump in the unused borehole. In addition, we are also building a water tower and various water distribution points spread across the village.
In this way, by the end of August 2019, the inhabitants of Ajuafo will have access to clean, running drinking water in several places. They will also no longer be dependent on electricity from the Ghanaian grid. On the other hand, a water users committee will be set up that will collect a fair amount from the inhabitants at regular intervals to be able to maintain the installation.
This project is part of an umbrella initiative of FOS (solidarity organisation of the socialist movement in Flanders). In Ghana itself we will work together with the local NGO COLISO (Community Livelihoods Support Organisation).