Hospital solar panels
The Saint-Martin hospital guarantees the medical care of 157,645 Beninese. A continuous energy supply is not an unnecessary luxury. At the moment, however, the hospital is experiencing problems with the unstable Beninese electricity network due to several power cuts per day. A petrol generator currently solves this problem, but fuel and maintenance are neither economically nor ecologically interesting.
The aim of this Humasol project is to expand this backup system with a PV installation and a battery bank, in order to obtain a more economical, ecological and reliable alternative to the current energy supply. The focus of this installation is mainly on ensuring the energy supply in the operating theatre (lighting, equipment, etc.) and on the administrative service (computers, cash register, etc.). By reducing the use of the generator, the hospital can save on fuel and maintenance costs. In this way, the additional installation, despite a significant investment cost, will yield a certain economic advantage in the long term. This will allow the hospital to improve its care for patients, expand its infrastructure or improve working conditions.