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Solar panels for hospital



The Nkoaranga Watoto hospital is located in Tanzania. Together with the Meru District Hospital, this hospital provides health care to the 268,000 residents of Arusha. Although the state electricity grid reaches the hospital, it is very fluctuating and therefore unreliable. Moreover, electricity is very expensive here and this only seems to get worse in the future.

An unreliable electricity grid is a particularly undesirable situation for a hospital that must be able to accommodate patients day and night.

Four years ago, a generator was purchased. Unfortunately, the fuel for this is very expensive, which is why they want to use solar panels for lighting. The PV installation will therefore mainly provide lighting at night, but also during the day, and also contribute to the safety of patients and nurses and reduce electricity costs. The generator will continue to be used for ventilators and operating machines.

Jolan Heyse
Laura Sioen
Lars De Brabander
Willem-Jan Claes
Technology manager
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