Reporting of Water Quality
Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, is subject to a high nitrate pollution in the groundwater. Poorly designed skeptic tanks, solid waste dumping sites and pit latrines are the most important sources for this pollution. Lead contamination is also a problem. For example the groundwater of Kabwe, a city situated 150km north of Lusaka, is heavily polluted with lead due to the practice of lead mining in the previous century. A large part of the populations in the cities use the polluted groundwater as their source of drinking water and this results in serious health issues. This is especially dangerous for pregnant women and children, because exposure to nitrate pollution is linked to the blue baby syndrome.
First, the nitrate concentrations in Lusaka and the leaching concentrations in Kabwe are measured in the groundwater using a spectrophotometer. The pollution can be mapped in this way and then these results can be submitted to Zambian government officials. This is intended to proceed and design and install Remover Units that purify the water from nitrate and lead contamination. This project is a collaboration between Humasol and Envaros. Envaros is a Zambian NGO founded in 2014 that aims for a more sustainable and resilient development of vulnerable communities in Zambia. The project aims at a risk reduction of nitrate and lead contaminated drinking water to which communities are exposed, focusing mainly on youth and women in the peripheral and rural areas of Zambia.