PV Awareness in Boko
The power grid in the villages of developing countries is often unreliable or even absent. The population is not well informed about a sustainable, independent alternative: solar panels. The aim is to make the local population more aware of the possibilities of solar energy, and to make it clear to them that it is possible to have such an installation at their disposal.
In Benin, the concept of “PV aux villages” will be further developed, whereby a village is provided with a communal PV installation. By working together with an entire village, solar energy can be very attractive without becoming too expensive. It improves the standard of living and strengthens the social bond of the village. In consultation with the local population, the needs and wishes are recorded, and agreements are made about the management and maintenance of the installation. The installation is installed using local resources. The population is informed as well as possible about the operation, use and maintenance, so that the village can serve as an example for expansions to other villages.