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PV awareness



To this day, the electrical grid in Benin is not yet a reliable source of energy. This means that large parts of northern Benin are confronted with the absence of electricity on a daily basis. This creates insecurity and inconvenience. That is why Humasol is working with Hubi & Vinciane to search for an alternative, sustainable source of energy.

To this day, the electrical grid in Benin is not yet a reliable source of energy. This means that large parts of northern Benin are confronted with the absence of electricity on a daily basis. This creates insecurity and inconvenience. That is why Humasol is working with Hubi & Vinciane to search for an alternative, sustainable source of energy.

Despite the fact that several European organisations are active in Benin and work with solar panel installations, it is still a big step for the local population to purchase a small installation themselves. With this project, Humasol wants to make this step smaller by demonstrating solar energy directly on a 'family scale'. The project students will purchase all the material locally, document this and work together with the local sales points. In this way, they only use the resources that the local population also has. A first step is to demonstrate and raise awareness of this sustainable energy. Then the financial options of the local population will be examined, such as setting up small 'solar communities' per installation. Humasol has supported the start-up of communities in the past, such as around water in Uganda and around plastic waste in Kenya, and therefore believes in this approach.

Willem-Jan Claes
Cedric Nijssen
Tom Crauwels
Gertjan Maenhout
Technology manager
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