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The goal of Pamoja Mission Africa (PMA) is to support orphans and vulnerable children and provide basic education. Their goal is to guide them until they can spread their wings and fly. PMA also owns a piece of land, the PMA land, on which crops can be grown. These are used to feed the children.Cooking is done twice a day: for breakfast and lunch. Furthermore, a livelihood group for the parents was established. In this group parents support each other and discuss how to solve problems.

Our project takes places in two schools in Nyeri county. The first school is called Star of Hope. In this school some – but not all – children are financially supported by PMA. About 20 children are taught here. The building consists of corrugated sheets. The second school is located at the PMA land. It was named Newland. The site consists of one main building (three classrooms + second floor), the kitchen, toilet and staff houses. This school teaches 15 children. At the moment, the main building is still under construction. Plastering and wiring will be done when we arrive.

Both schools need electricity in order to be able to charge phones and two laptops, for a television and for lighting in the evening/night. The latter is, among other things, important to them in terms of security.

Jens Lateur
Justine Penneman
Michiel Van Cauwelaert
Lara Vissers
Lise Van Der Beken
Technology manager
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