Ekisande is a Belgian non-profit organization that supports the local communities of Bwera, Uganda. Through education, vocational training and health care Ekisande aims to have a lasting effect on the Bwera community.
Thanks to previous projects, a primary school with ten classrooms and a health care center have already been built in Kisebere, near Bwera. The health care center is already powered by a PV system and the installation for a clean water supply is currently under construction. Electricity and clean water are however not yet available at the school. The goal of our project is thus to provide the school with electricity by installing a PV system and with potable water by installing a water tower with a solar pump.
Additionally, we also want to make sure that the project is beneficial to the community in the long term. That's why a charge shop will be built as well; charging cell phones for a small fee making use of renewable energy and giving people the opportunity to buy clean water from the solar pump installation. The profits of this shop are to be used exclusively to maintain the installations and for the good of the local community.