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A Heart for Senegal



In Senegal there still is great poverty among the population and many people barely have enough to eat. A large part of the population still lives in shacks without water or electricity. Education is not free and is unaffordable for the average citizen, so many children would remain illiterate without outside help.

The non-profit organization “A heart for Senegal” has built a kindergarten and primary school in Bay Dëkk, a slum of Mbour, to provide standard education to the children in this neighborhood. The school counts 1108 students at the moment and they get a hot meal three times a week. After placing a water pump and due to the high cost of electricity, the vzw wants to place photovoltaic panels on the roof of this school, to reduce the cost of electricity. In the end the school has the goal to become sustainable and independent.

We will help the vzw by calculating the necessary panels and components of this installation. Afterwards, we will go to Mbour to place the panels ourselves and teach the children about the importance of green energy.

Maarten Vanmarcke
Marnick Nicolaes
Jules Beckers
Hanne Delemarre
Stef Van Loon
Technology manager
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