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In Senegal more than half of the rural population has no access to dependent electricity, so is the case in Bagaya. Bagaya is a small village south of The Gambia in the region of Casamance. This region is considered difficult to reach and it has been ignored for years by the Senegalese government. Therefore the electricity supply is still unreliable. Unfortunately, power interruptions are part of daily life. For these reasons, some crucial facilities are very limited in Bagaya. Especially when it comes down to healthcare. Hence, the main goal of this project is to build a stable energy supply for a maternity, a dispensary and a residence for the care staff. When this objective is reached, the health care institutions have an autonomous energy supply, that is more stable and less expensive than the previous one.


This project is in cooperation with AJB (association de jeunesse Bagaya), this association has members in all corners of the world who are concerned about the people of Bagaya. They have already been of great significance for the locals with some great projects: an agricultural project against the drought, wells for potable water… all executed with an emphasis on sustainability for the people and with the people.

Joke Plas
Robert Abts
Arno Hegge
Stef Van Loon
Line Loies
Technology manager
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